You’re young, physically fit and, by most standards, rich. You’re an NFL player and you’re in the midst of a month-long break. What are you going to do?
If you’re a family man, do you take kids on trips to Disney World, Universal and Sea World? No kids? Maybe you take your bride on a romantic getaway to a Caribbean Island.
Or maybe, if you’re like the rest us husbands, your wife hands you a list of honey-dos to do in the garage and yard..
If you’re single do you enjoy a long stay at Las Vegas or South Beach or one of those singles resorts in the Caribbean? Maybe you play golf every day and take a Buddies Golf trip. Maybe it’s time to get in some fishing.
And most of you, single or married, workout every day so you don’t take extra flab into training camp.
Those things are what most NFL players do during their month-long break.
But, sadly, a small group of you drink too much and get caught. You hang with a bunch of loose women and slap one of them. You become a name on a police report.
A small bunch of you wind up giving all you a bad name.