Lamm at Large

LAMM AT LARGE: All-Star Games Are a Waste of Time

todayJuly 5, 2022

All-Star Games are a waste of time.
Many players, including most of the top players, have lost interest. They bail out of playing, using excuses raging from injuries no one knew they had to exhaustion.
The NFL has discussed dropping the Pro Bowl altogether. Fans pay more attention to the NBA skill contests than the game — where no one can remember the last time anyone played defense.
Baseball has always had the best all-star game — and sill does go that matter. But more and more of those chosen are no-shows.  The Home Run Derby now
outshines the game.
It’s also bothered me all-stars are picked at midseason in the NBA and MLB. That doesn’t make sense. Make those decisions after 82 and 162 games, respectively.
Time would be better spent giving the players a 3-day vacation. The fans could use the break, too.

Written by: 1010admin

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